Encyclo-Poi-Dia Volumes 1 & 2
Welcome to the next level in Poi instruction. The Encyclo-Poi-Dia goes where no video has gone before, taking hundreds of monves and breaking them down for easy learning. Instruction is shown clearly from several angles, with slow motion.
In Encyclo-Poi-Dia Volume 1, advanced beginners to experts can learn more about Wraps, Isolations, Jumps, Tangles, Behind-the-back, and 10 more detailed move groups. Two separate 50 minute volumes are jam-packed onto this single DVD, containing everything you need to practice effectively for months. that's right, TWO videos on ONE DVD. Take your skill, knowledge, and performance to the next level with the Encyclo-Poi-dia. A must have for any advancing Poi artist.
The Encyclo-Poi-dia Volume 2, is a state-of-the-art poi learning tool combining live video and computer simulations to teach a new system of poi spinning. Zan and Alien Jon team up to show a clear presentation of the new developments in the theory, technique, and practice of poi. Previously challenging concepts (including hybrids, floaters, inside moves, continuous assembly patterns, and many more) are broken down logically so that your body and your mind can pick them up as quickly as possible. The 22 instructional chapters run for 95 minutes, and are organized in a unique "choose your path" format.
Both dvds are included.